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The Weekly Awesome – The Extra Slutty Version

March 14, 2012

Source: via Bonnie on Pinterest


This week’s Awesome is extra slutty because, apparently, women are sluts now. Women who need birth control for any of a hundred reasons that don’t even have to do with the number of sexual partners they might have. And you know what? Even if they have sex with lots and lots and lots of guys (or girls, but that wouldn’t really necessitate birth control) it’s none of anyone’s damn business.

I had written a bit here about redefining the word “slut” and taking it back for ourselves and, while I still love the idea, this post needs to focus on other things at the moment than redefining a word. This country is dead set on taking women’s rights away. It goes way, way beyond the simple pro-life/pro-choice issue – if you read down to the second update (that’s the third set of links) there’s an article about how low-income women in Texas now lack access to basic health care like cancer screenings. This shit is fucked up, ladies. We need to be afraid. We need to get pissed off. We need to knit uteruses. Or write letters. Or both. Point being – let’s not debate the word “slut” right now and whether or not we can successfully take it back, but let’s band together to demand our very equality back.

~Stuff I pinned on my TIAW and Wisdom boards.
~Good article from NPR highlighting lots of stuff from the origin of the word to the problems people have with it.
~As mentioned in the above article, Slut Walks are awesome. A movement of feminine power arising from ignorance, sexism, and victim-blaming. “We’re here. We’re sluts. Get used to it!”
~Back to Rush Limbaugh. My friend Rainbow wrote this excellent article about why we clearly need to talk about our lady parts more often. Which is really essentially the same reason I started SOAM to begin with. Because some things are NOT better left unsaid/un-pictured.
~And this video? This one is maybe my favorite link this week. Not only does it sum up the problem nicely, but it is also quite catchy.



~”…where herds of sluts run wild like feral ponies, humping everything in sight.” <--From a post about a proposed law in Arizona that would force female employees to prove they aren’t using birth control pills for sexual reasons – something that makes me sick to my stomach, but at the very least it gives us this line which is possibly my favorite thing this week.
~A very good summary of all the shit that’s been proposed against women in the last six months. Wait. The last SIX MONTHS? What century are we living in again? UGH.


Source: via Bonnie on Pinterest


~The Viagra Bill, one among many bills being introduced by female lawmakers to counter the proposed bills restricting women’s choices and healthcare.
~Honestly, sometimes I think this a war on the lower classes as much as it is a war on women. Texas just lost all family planning Medicaid services. So poor women don’t get access to “cancer screenings, contraceptives, and basic health care.” Meh. Who wants poor people to be healthy, anyway? Oh right. Me. And you, I hope.
~This legislator thinks women might not really understand what rape is. Holy mother of god, I cannot even wrap my brain around this. People like this exist. And they are, like, voted in to office. Hopefully not repeatedly.
~See that knitted uterus up there? Women are getting together to knit or crochet uteruses to send to congressmen so they can have a uterus all their own and leave ours alone already. I AM SO DOING THIS.

UPDATE: One extra link this week.

Source: via Bonnie on Pinterest


~This poem is amazing.



~Another bullshit anti-abortion bill stomping on the rights of women. This time in Georgia.
~This ain’t your gramma’s feminism.


~Republicans, get in my vagina!


~“What she said was offensive,’ Rep. Mike Callton, R-Nashville explained. ‘It was so offensive, I don’t even want to say it in front of women. I would not say that in mixed company.’ <--What did she say? "Vagina." She named the definitive female body part. It breaks my heart to hear someone say that vaginas are that offensive. ~Have you ever read Margaret & Helen? A blog by two senior citizens with liberal ideas and lots of cuss words. They wrote a great piece here about the Michigan Vaginal Snafu.

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6 Responses to “The Weekly Awesome – The Extra Slutty Version”

  1. Mina Says:
    March 15th, 2012 at 9:55 am

    Can you freaking believe that proposed law in AZ? I read that yesterday and kept thinking it HAD to be fake news. We can’t even go to the doctor anymore without getting bombarded with HIPAA paperwork, and the doctor can’t talk to me about my husband’s medical conditions without his permission…but EMPLOYERS are supposed to know which of their female employees are on the pill? I think it’s likely that the law either won’t pass or will be determined to break medical confidentiality laws…but the fact that someone wrote it up and it got this far is just baffling and scary.

  2. Weekly Awesome 3.28 | This Is A Woman Says:
    March 28th, 2012 at 9:25 pm

    […] is one of my favorites, by a band called Metric. You should look them up.) ~And keep checking the Extra Slutty Weekly Awesome for more updates. Tags: Awesome Stuff I Found Permalink: Weekly Awesome 3.28 Discuss: 0 […]

  3. Danielle Says:
    March 30th, 2012 at 8:54 am

    I think this is a positive thing! Where can I purchase one of those shirts?

  4. Bonnie (TIAW) Says:
    March 30th, 2012 at 9:23 am

    If you click through to the pin on Pinterest, you can find the link to the Etsy store where the shirt is sold. :)

  5. Weekly Awesome 6.6 | This Is A Woman Says:
    June 6th, 2012 at 7:08 am

    […] Wisdom boards. ~A chart about silence that will leave you speechless. (Maybe this should go in the Extra Slutty Weekly Awesome?) ~Men invented the internet? *snort* Like Hell they did. ~People Magazine did a […]

  6. Vote Like Your Lady Parts Depend Upon It | This Is A Woman Says:
    November 2nd, 2012 at 9:54 am

    […] already posted an Extra-Slutty Weekly Awesome and a Legitimate Awesome in response to some of the bigger comments that were made this year, and I […]

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