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Weekly Awesome 2.6

February 6, 2013


~Stuff I pinned at my TIAW and Wisdom boards.
~Mina shared this over at TIAW’s Facebook page and I’m so glad she did. It’s beautiful. It’s all about feeling too fat to be photographed and why you should consider doing that anyway.
~Here’s a pretty funny article about hairless ladybits written by a doctor.
~Excuse me for a minute while I use more bad language than usual: What the fuck is this shit? The administrators of a Catholic high school required all the female students to take an oath that they would not use cuss words. But they declare that it’s not a double standard? The fuck it’s not. They want “ladies to act like ladies” and they hope the “improved manners would take hold and rub off on the boys”. Um? Isn’t that a little bit like the whole “act like a lady so men treat you like one” thing we’re trying to move past right now? Why can’t we fucking expect men to just act like men? Because they are grown-ups, too (or, in this case, they are practicing to be grown-ups). In this article, a male student says it’s unattractive when girls cuss (fuck that shit, dude) but that he doesn’t expect to stop soon. If you can’t tell by this paragraph, I’d probably have gotten myself into big trouble if my high school had implemented such a policy only on girls. /Overuse of bad words.
~WTG, Nigella! But also? Have we come to the point where someone has to fight to keep that slight curve from being photoshopped away? And that it’s heroic for her to fight for her own body? I mean. Absolutely she should fight for it. But it shouldn’t be an issue. Shit like this should NOT need heroism. I feel like I just fell into some sort of lame dystopian novel.
~It’s like a bunch of Ken dolls in really lovely lingerie.
~This post is amazing. Really. It just shifted my perspective on the whole fat acceptance movement a little bit and I’m going to sit and think about this a lot now.

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One Response to “Weekly Awesome 2.6”

  1. Mina Says:
    February 8th, 2013 at 9:40 am

    I love all of these links. Thank you for sharing them!

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