~Stuff I pinned at my TIAW and Wisdom boards.
~I don’t have the fancy cable so I’ve never seen Girls, but last year Lena Dunham’s appearance in the Emmys opening sketch (where she appeared naked on a toilet eating cake) instantly won me over. While she doesn’t strike me at all as a fat woman, and I’m not even sure she’d be considered overweight, she is definitely not your average Hollywood-size actress. And I love that. I love that she’s on TV, and I love that she’s not ashamed of it, indeed, she flaunts her body as though she may be… comfortable in it? Lesley is one of my favorite writers over at XOJane and she’s written a great piece about Dunham and her impact on our culture. “In this case, we can’t stop talking about Dunham’s body explicitly because it is remarkable in its unremarkableness — Lena Dunham looks like what millions of women see in their mirrors every morning…”
~Paul Ryan is cosponsoring a bill that would give states the right to ban all abortions… and a lot of other upsetting things.
~Pretty epic Photoshop fail.
~This is kinda sorta related to women’s issues in that Tina Fey pwns some jerkstore (his actual own online name, but one which will become my new road rage curse name) with a crap ton of feminist snarkasm. It gave me a good giggle so I thought it was a nice way to end this week’s Awesome.
We survived 2012!
~Stuff I pinned at my TIAW and Wisdom boards.
~I really should have dedicated an entire post here about all the shitty rape shit that’s been going down worldwide lately. But I haven’t for one reason or another. But this article needs to be read. It’s called, “Rape Has a Purpose” and it’s excellent. It’s no fun to read. I was literally dizzy and sick while reading it, but it’s excellent. I kept hoping that title would wind up not making sense, but it does. “Rape is part of a larger, complex system of violence that is central to our [cultural] identity.” <--True. And how very fucked up is that?
~Apparently Al Roker crapped his pants and announced this on national television. But WHY? Turns out it washis weight loss surgery. I pretty much agree with the author on all points. And I commend Al Roker for talking about this publicly.
~Wow. This LA Times article, “Why We Diet,” is one of the best articles I’ve read in a long time. I’d quote you my favorite part, but that would be the whole article.
~This is an interesting (although long) look at sexism in women’s suffrage. It’s from a collector’s website and it focuses on suffrage-era propaganda postcards, but it gives a good history of women’s suffrage in the US and UK, and points out that, sadly, we haven’t come very far in all these years. It was written before the recent presidential election and declares, “Now, in 2012, it’s possible the women’s vote could effect the outcome the U.S. presidential election.” Of course, that is exactly what happened. And thank god. I am so grateful that women came out to vote, especially this year when so much of the election revolved around women’s bodies and the medical care the deserve and may or may not receive.
~I thought these would be a light read to end this entry, but all it made me do was give thanks that it’s 2013 and not 1963.
~But THIS is an inspiring way to end the Awesome today. A list of books for girls (and boys!) about independent princesses.
~Stuff I pinned at my TIAW board.
~Here’s a story of a pretty rad lady who doesn’t want her disability to be ignored. It’s part of who she is and who she is, is beautiful.
~”I have an eating disorder, something without a proper name and that most people would simply call being on a diet because I am fat.”
~Hairless women are not a modern invention, it turns out.