The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother

Weekly Awesome 4.11

April 11, 2012


“That women are joining in the ongoing disassembling of my appearance is salient. Patriarchy is not men. Patriarchy is a system in which both women and men participate. It privileges, inter alia, the interests of boys and men over the bodily integrity, autonomy, and dignity of girls and women. It is subtle, insidious, and never more dangerous than when women passionately deny that they themselves are engaging in it. This abnormal obsession with women’s faces and bodies has become so normal that we (I include myself at times—I absolutely fall for it still) have internalized patriarchy almost seamlessly. We are unable at times to identify ourselves as our own denigrating abusers, or as abusing other girls and women.” – Ashley Judd.

~If you read nothing else here today, go read every word of Ashley’s article. Not only is it intelligent and vitally important for all women to know in their minds and hearts, but it’s coming from a celebrity. Somehow that makes it that much stronger of a message. From someone who’s career is based (sadly) partially in looks, who is in these trenches and must deal with this daily, from someone that we, as non-famous people, often forget has the same body image issues we do. Read this.
~Here’s another article about Ashley’s post. I like this quote specifically: “In my experience, even women who would probably never go on about how actresses are too fat think far less of saying they’re too thin…” YES. We need to stand together as women of all sizes. Not just the rounder ones. Not just the thinner ones. ALL of us.

~OK, I lied. This is also required reading (um. and watching) this week. What a beautiful organization. I hope you take some time to watch the video and pass it on, and, if you have the resources, maybe help them out a little so these kids can have another amazing summer.

I have lots more awesome stuff this week, but these two are so important that I think I’ll wait to share the rest. Have an awesome week!

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Weekly Awesome 4.4

April 4, 2012


~Stuff I pinned on my TIAW, Wisdom, and Stuff That’s Wrong boards.
~This mom cut off her hair to prove that women can be beautiful no matter what. LOVE.
~And THIS mom put her seven-year-old daughter on a diet. DISLIKE. I’m all for healthy kids, but the things this mom is advocating are, IMO, both emotionally and physically abusive.
~Here is an un-retouched photo of some models. I think they look lovely just as they are and I can’t FATHOM what needs retouching. This is why there’s a problem in our society.
~Sweden – responsible for bringing us Ikea and now breaking down gender stereotypes in toy catalogues. Go, Sweden!

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Weekly Awesome 3.28

March 28, 2012


~Of all the things I pinned this week (excepting, of course, the ones about Doctor Who because I do have priorities) this one is my favorite. It was originally posted on Facebook by Jesse Meriwether – the actress in the photos. I think I love her. And I might marry her. You know, if the Doctor doesn’t mind me bringing a wife along when I marry him.
~This is the rest of what I pinned on my TIAW, Wisdom, and Stuff That’s Wrong boards.
~This woman has a condition which makes sex painful. Always.
~This trailer gives me the chills. (Also, the song they use is one of my favorites, by a band called Metric. You should look them up.)
~And keep checking the Extra Slutty Weekly Awesome for more updates.

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