The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother

Weekly Awesome 5.2

May 2, 2012


~Stuff I pinned on my TIAW, Wisdom, and Stuff That’s Wrong boards.
~Mayim Bialik wrote this. I love her even more now. (And did you know she totally knows who I am?? *starstruck*)
~I am SO BUYING these coloring books.
~On cuss words and sexism. Frankly, I like cussing for all the same reasons the author of this article does.
~This is why we still need feminism.
~”I’m glad I’m broken.” -Jenny Lawson, The Bloggess. She is one of my favorites bloggers. In large part because she has a sense of humor that is silly and strange and twisted and that I completely relate to, but also because she open herself up by talking about mental illness and all that she struggles with. And we need to do that, to talk about the hard stuff. It’s very similar to the point of the article I linked just before this one – we can’t just pretend everything in life is flowery and lovely, we have to dig deep to get to the shit and open it up. I don’t struggle with mental illness maybe as much as Jenny does, but I absolutely do relate. Depression, anxiety, probably some form of PTSD (my mother was a hoarder – just like the shows on TV, that’s what I grew up in). And I can promise that talking about this stuff makes it better. Jenny is so brave and beautiful. I’m glad I’m broken, too. Women, just as you are beautiful in your body shape and size, you are equally as beautiful in your wholeness or your brokenness.

Have an awesome week!

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Weekly Awesome 4.26

April 26, 2012

Source: via Bonnie on Pinterest


Please excuse this Awesome’s tardiness, I got so distracted yesterday trying to keep SOAM afloat during the massive traffic brought by the Daily Mail and Yahoo stories on the site. It was my favorite reason for having technical difficulties, but the technical difficulties still managed to fry my brain. I need a personal assistant in my life to just follow me around and do all that hard stuff. Is that too much to ask?

On to the Awesome!

~Stuff I pinned on my TIAW, Wisdom, and Stuff That’s Wrong boards.
~Is your body beach-ready? OF COURSE IT IS. This article empowers you to enjoy the damn beach no matter your shape or size.
~”You are considered the worst thing to be compared to. Throw like a girl. Talk like a girl. Cry like a girl. God forbid we ever be girls.” <--This has an element of negativity to it (not in a bad way, negativity is important sometimes) but by the end I was crying and cheering for our next generation of awesome girls. ~Behold the snark. This dude deserves it.
~”I owe this body my unconditional love and devotion. So I’m not just fat accepting, I’m a pro-fat fat-loving fat activist fatty. More importantly, I am the only person who can decide how I feel about my body.” <--This might be my favorite thing this week. I always love what Ragen has to say.
~Don’t let advertising bully you into thinking you aren’t good enough just as you are. Talk back.

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Weekly Awesome 4.18

April 18, 2012


~Stuff I pinned on my TIAW, Wisdom, and Stuff That’s Wrong boards.
~OK, so, this isn’t about a woman, but a lot of what Kevin Smith says reflects what I hear women say. On the whole the article is extremely relevant in the movement to end size discrimination. “Racism and sexism will get you ostracised in more enlightened communities, but you can mock fat people all you want.” (PS. For the record, I hear this kind of issue out of Southwest Airlines ALL.THE.TIME.)
~Another one from a guy – this time a message to women. Listen to him, beautiful ladies, he’s RIGHT.
~When my younger daughter was about four years old, she stood in our kitchen, pulled up her shirt and popped her tummy straight out. It was impressive, that round little belly. I smiled, and she grinned back. “That’s as cute as I can make it,” she said proudly. <--That is just too perfect. We should all take a cue from that little girl. Read the rest here.
~The Fat Girl’s Guide to Being Irresistible – Even To Yourself. Although, frankly, this advice works for any-size girls. And, you know what? I say this stuff all the time and I post stuff that says it all the time. And I will keep doing it until it sinks in to every woman’s heart.
~This article proposes that real women have curves – even the skinny women. And the real point here is to stop arguing and stand together as WOMEN. Just as women. Beautiful, amazing, strong, soft, gentle, fiery women.
~Vegans can be chubby, too. Sometimes it’s more (or different) than diet.
~Yet another example of perfectly good airtime going to pick apart a celebrity’s body rather than, say, real issues of the world. Jessica Simpson is beautiful and her weight just isn’t anyone’s business.
~Oh wait. Another one of those. This time about Paula Deen. (And, yes, it’s been sitting in my “Articles I may post someday” queue for quite awhile.)
~This article, by a young mother, asks “When did it stop being acceptable for a woman to have children before a career if she wanted to?” <–This strikes me as applicable to The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. Women today are required to be homemakers, to have careers, and to be beautiful and young always. That’s an awful lot to ask of anyone and someday women are going to crack under the pressure. We must, instead, choose to love ourselves exactly as we are, and to live our lives exactly as WE want. And if that means homemaking, or a career, or children at 20 or no children ever – that’s OK. Because you are amazing just as you are. And so am I. And so are we all. Have an awesome week!

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