The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother The Shape of a Mother

Brave, A Story of a Queen

July 5, 2012

Last weekend I took my kids to the drive in to go see Brave. It was fabulous. If I’d been smart, I’d have taken notes. But as it turns out, it didn’t even occur to me that I should write about it here until this past weekend. So we’ll have to make due with my memory of having seen it only once over a week ago in a venue that is somewhat distracting (my kids seem to be allergic to each other and break out in the MOM, S/HE TOUCHED ME’s if they come within six inches of each other. Which. They do. When they’re sitting in the back of a small station wagon).


The movie is, as you are no doubt aware, the story of a spirited young girl with amazing hair, arguably the best accent on the planet, and amazeballs skillz in archery. She’s strong-willed in all the best ways and takes a stand against centuries-old tradition when it doesn’t suit her and what is best for her own life and personal growth.

Only. That’s not what this movie is about at all.

Well, OK. It is. But the story is more about Merida’s mother, Elinor.

It’s about a woman who grew up and had no qualms with the status quo. She was perfectly happy to grow up and be the queen she was expected to be, to live the live that was planned for her. She had zero desire to ever put her weapons on the table. In fact, she had zero desire even to own weapons of her own at all. She was not in touch with her inner Wild Woman in any sense.

And then she had a daughter who was the absolute embodiment of Wild Woman and who was physically, mentally, and spiritually incapable of being anything else. (We all need to have such people in our lives, whether not not we spring them from our loins.)

The story begins with various arguments between Elinor and Merida over what Merida should and shouldn’t be doing. After begging and begging her mother to hear her, Merida ultimately loses her shit and rides off into the night where she stumbles into a magic circle of stones, not unlike Stonehenge. Her horse refuses to enter the circle, but Merida is in her element here. On the other side of the stones, a path lit by will-o’-the-wisps appears, and she follows it. According to Wikipedia, a will-o’-the-wisp leads you from the safe paths. YES. Safety, in terms of the growth of our psyche is bullshit. Safety is what Elinor’s life has always been about. Safety is the opposite of what Merida lives for. Safety will never guide you forward spiritually or psychologically. Take the unsafe path. Follow the will-o’-the-wisps.

The will-o’-the-wisps lead Merida to a witch. I want to give props here to Pixar for making a witch who isn’t a villain. It is so easy to make witches the bad guys. After all wise women, both in folklore and in real life, have for centuries been made out to be bad witches. It’s so ingrained in us now to consider them bad, that we have largely forgotten that once they were revered. In Brave the witch is the method in which Elinor learns her biggest lesson. Merida begs for help and is granted a cake to serve her mother which will help her to change her mind about Merida’s future. Only, the witch doesn’t say exactly how that change will occur. True wisdom and growth doesn’t come from an outside source changing your mind for you. That is oppression. Elinor lives oppression. She needed something to help her to grow from the inside. And the witch knew that.

So Elinor is changed into a bear.

Merida witnesses this and is horrified at what she’s done. Because she, too, is oppressed, even if it is to a far lesser degree. On a realistic level, she just totally screwed up her mom’s life and possibly caused her death. On a spiritual level, she caused that big change, and that, too, is scary.

They run off into the woods where they try to find the witch again and ask her WTF, but she knows damn well that she has to be gone. She leaves them a cryptic message, telling them they have to fix this on their own. Because if it was simple, no one would have learned anything, and Merida would have been even further ostracized.

In the morning, they find there is no kitchen staff out in the woods to fix them breakfast so here’s where the work begins.

Step 1: Elinor must rely on Merida for her very survival. She doesn’t have the first clue about surviving in the wilderness. But Merida, like Katniss, knows her way around a bow and arrow and so has a very good advantage out in nature.
Step 2: Elinor must learn to feed herself from what nature provides. She is still hungry even after Merida’s hunted breakfast, so Merida takes her to a stream and tells her to catch some fish so she’ll be able to feed herself for a lifetime.

Because how better to find your Wild self, than by being wild?

And then there are some adventures and some mending of a tapestry-family-portrait that I forgot to tell you about earlier (Elinor had been working painstakingly for years probably on this tapestry and Merida sliced it in two, separating herself from her family CORRECTION: Apparently I remembered it wrong, it was Elinor that Merida separated from the family in the tapestry) and some more adventures and time is almost up for Elinor. If she and Merida don’t fix this, like, NOW, she’ll be a bear forever. The whole town is out to get Bear-Elinor, and her own husband is at the forefront. Merida keeps shouting the truth, but no one listens. Suddenly, the actual bad-guy-bear comes in and pins Merida and Mama Bear Elinor takes over and KICKS HIS ASS. It is symbolic of love, of motherhood, of her final test in becoming who she is meant to be. And things are mended and she is herself again. Naked.* Isn’t that exactly what such an amazing growth experience does to us – leaves us totally naked, right in front of everyone? At least in front of the important people.

The story was more about Elinor than Merida. About her transformation, about her growth, about her journey to find her psyche. The story was about Merida, too. She grew in her own way in this movie; she stepped into her role as Wise Woman for the first time.

I hope there are countless more movies like this for our daughters (and sons!) to grow up with. And also for us to learn from.

*Naked in a Pixar/Disney way. She was totally covered. That doesn’t make it less important. Just less porny.

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Weekly Awesome 6.27

June 27, 2012


~Stuff I pinned on my TIAW & Wisdom boards.
~Six things no one will ever say to a man.
~Girls Who Code – a program designed to get more women into tech fields. AWESOME.
~Women still do more housework than men. Naomi Wolf went into this a little in The Beauty Myth. No matter how much we work, there is always more work and less pay for us. This is not ok.
~Victoria’s Secret Does Not Love My Body <--This article tends towards calling curvy girls "real" women and you and I know that's not true, of course. If you identify as a woman, you're a real woman in my book. That aside, there's a lot of good stuff in there, too. Stuff that should make you furious. And anger gives us the strength to enact change. ~I've been haunting this cool site cataloging literary tattoos and this one struck me as good TIAW stuff. Beautiful.
~Turns out Big Brother is going to come from corporations, not government. Of course, it’s really hard to tell the difference between the two these days. In this case, Facebook is trying to erase Fat Acceptance in favor of dieting.

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Weekly Awesome 6.13

June 13, 2012


~Stuff I pinned at my TIAW and Wisdom boards?
~Rainbow, who I count as an online friend (thanks to the Bethany she wrote about, as a matter of fact), has written a really great article about online friendships. I’ve been getting to know people online for the last 14 years now. Maybe it was an easy idea for me since my mom did some of that when I was a kid with the local BBS community. But in any case I think all of my closest friendships have at least some element of them based in the internet. From my high school friends who I was able to stay in touch with via email (cause, honestly? not so great about the snail mail) to the people I met through groups advertised online, to the people I knew in an entirely online capacity before meeting them in person (if ever). These people have held me through hard times, laughed with me through the lighter days, watched my kids grow up, helped me shape the way I think and the way I view the world. Isn’t that what friendship is? I’m sharing this here at TIAW because I think online friendships are not only real, but also vital for women to fight sexism. What can be better than global networking? Global idea- and information-sharing? Global support and love for your growth as a woman? We need to stand together and the more of us the better. So, thanks, Rainbow, for saying this. And I can’t wait to meet you in person someday!
~Ten things to teach our daughters (and our sons) (well, and ourselves) before they turn 10. (Well, except I bet most of my readers are over 10 already. But it’s never too late to learn!)
~An article on hymens that will blow.your.mind. But not your hymen.

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